遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA



Policies and Procedures

  • Except in an emergency, all athletes should notify the athletic trainer before seeing a doctor for sports-related injuries. Proper medical forms should be picked up in advance of your appointment. A signed medical clearance will be required before returning to participation.
  • All athletes must sign-in before receiving treatment, evaluation, or consultation. Injury care will be “first come, first served” with priority given to players with games and those able to practice.
  • No evaluations, treatment or rehab will be done after school and/or on the field. 学生 should make it a priority to be in the athletic training room during lunch and/or free periods. The time immediately after school is reserved for game and practice preparations, i.e. 录制.
  • Report all injuries to your coach and the athletic trainer as soon as possible. The athletic trainer will determine if participation is appropriate. A player should not simply decide not to go to practice.
  • Any athlete unable to complete a practice due to injury will be required to obtain clearance from the athletic trainer before returning to play.
  • An injured athlete is still considered a part of the team and is expected to be present.
  • Athletes are expected to be at practice on-time, regardless of their need to see the athletic trainer. Plan ahead and report to the training room early. Injury evaluation and treatment may be scheduled during lunch and/or free periods.
  • Report all dangerous conditions and/or broken equipment to your coach immediately. Do not use any safety equipment (helmets, pads, etc.) that is not functioning properly or does not fit properly. It is your responsibility to check your safety equipment daily.
  • The athletic trainer may continue to hold out an athlete that has been cleared by a doctor when such action will result in a faster/safer return to full competition.
  • The Athletic Training Room (ATR) is a medical facility, and should be treated as such. Do not touch or remove any items/materials without permission. Proper behavior, attire, and language will be required at all times.